Talk Therapy, Licensure Supervision, Business Consulting, Tarot and Alternative Healing
Consultation Services for Business
Alchemy and the Elixir of Life: Cartomancy and Social Ethics Consultation(s)
Medieval monks studied Alchemy and Magic as part of their approach to living a Godly life and understanding Spirit. This knowledge of the Mysteries was passed down to them via Arabic and Greek traditions in Hermetics and further developed by Franciscans and Dominical orders. Tarot and Gazing have been utilized as spiritual tools for self-inquiry and relationship to the Divine, Cosmic Order and seen as a source of wisdom for millennia. Most would not argue that the world of successful business relies on good instincts. Tarot can tap into this Collective Unconscious and your instinct, guide you to unseen advantages, and caution you regarding potential pitfalls.It is seeing in another way. Not long ago, people of note like Napoleon and Josephine Bonapart, and Alexandre Dumas utilized Cartomancy as a method to form wise governing strategy and to move closer to the creative muse.
I’m proud to offer Tarot/Cartomancy Consultation and Gazing Divination for the growth of your brand, spirit, or farm and cultivars, and I am free to work via video platform as well as in person. My readings contain depth, privacy and deep respect. They are not parlor tricks. Your confidentiality is protected as in a therapy session, and the challenges you face are met with the gravity appropriate to your need.
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 25 years of experience studying and diagnosing human behavior in the western medical method, systems of power, equity and inequity, justice and the dismantling of entrenched, erroneous ideologies such
as racism, xenophobia, sexism, ageism and beyond. Learning to better navigate these complex intersections of identity and power are hugely important for a happy, sustainable, ethical and successful business. Avoiding common pitfalls like tokenization and co-option of the work of others with less structural power are endeavors that can feel mysterious or intimidating to some. I am seasoned in this work as a social sciences professional as well as an activist working to engage these topics in my daily life.I grew up around wine and spirits people. My dad was a modern alchemist-- a malting chemist turned executive in the brewing industry. I have an inherited love for food mapping
and drink, and the pride of ancestry of some of the best brewers in history from the Alsace -Lorraine region of France. I'd be honored to work for you!Get in Touch with Cynthia!
$250 Cartomancy and divination business consult
$450 Cartomancy, divination and Social Ethics for your business